Greenland shark

Researchers have determined that a Greenland shark, whose age is estimated to be 400 years, likely had its birth around 1620.

Incredible Discovery: Scientists Find 400-Year-Old Shark! Researchers recently made an astonishing discovery about Greenland sharks, uncovering their remarkable longevity. These incredible creatures, dwelling in the cold depths of the North Atlantic, have been found to live up to an astonishing 400 years! The Study: How Did They Find Out? A team of scientists, led by…

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Mother Leopard

The video of a mother leopard teaching her cubs to cross the road is fantastic

Sometimes, unexpected things happen in nature that leave us amazed. One such incredible moment is captured in a video showing wild animals in action. In this video, filmed in Kruger National Park, South Africa, we witness a remarkable leopard family. Sources of the information: businessinsider | KrugerSightings/Youtube | theeyota Leopards, being one of the iconic animals of the African savannah,…

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