Growing up with a loving family is something we all hope for. But not every kid gets to experience that. Some children, like Andrew from Nashville, Tennessee, end up in foster care, longing for a place to call home. However, Andrew’s luck took a turn for the better recently when his best friend’s family, the Gills, decided to adopt him.

Andrew and his buddy Joc were inseparable. They bonded over video games and snacks, sharing a special friendship. Joc’s parents, Kevin and Dominique Gill, welcomed Andrew into their home and hearts. And when they asked Andrew if he wanted to officially become part of their family, his answer was a resounding “yes!”


Andrew’s story is a reminder that change can bring good things, even in tough times. With over 8,000 kids in Tennessee waiting for adoption, Andrew’s adoption by the Gills is a beacon of hope. He’s excited to leave the foster system behind and start a fresh chapter with his new family. And Joc can’t wait to call Andrew his brother.


Stories like Andrew’s warm our hearts and remind us of the power of love and family. Adopting older children like Andrew is a special journey that brings joy and gratitude. If you want to celebrate the Gills’ kindness and wish Andrew well, share this heartwarming story.