A group of people exploring the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya had an incredible sighting. They saw a family of cheetahs gathered by a river. Despite the river being flooded and full of crocodiles, the cheetahs were determined to cross it.
The largest cheetahs jumped into the water first, leaving everyone watching in awe. Two more followed soon after. Two smaller cheetahs hesitated for a moment before joining the others.
Photographers Arnfinn Johansen and Buddhilini De Soyza were ready with their cameras to capture the dramatic moment. Johansen explained that these cheetahs usually crossed the river by walking on stones. But due to heavy rains, the river was flooded, making it difficult for them.
Johansen knew the danger the cheetahs faced. Another cheetah had recently drowned or been killed by crocodiles in the same river. Despite the risk, the five cheetahs decided to go for it.
As they swam, it was clear the cheetahs were not comfortable. But thankfully, they all made it to the other side safely. The leader cheetah even hissed at the river once they were across.
It was a thrilling and heartwarming sight to witness these majestic animals overcoming such a challenge. And thanks to the photographers, we can all share in the excitement through their amazing photos!
Arnfinn Johansen: arnfinnjohansen.com | Facebook | Instagram
Buddhilini De Soyza: buddhilini.com | Instagram














